Heerschau 2024 – July Results and conclusion of the Heerschau!

Hey hobby enthusiasts,

After a mixed summer so far and the stress of everyday life and vacation, we have put together the articles for the month of July and the final pictures provided to us for you.

We evaluated the results of your contributions, even if some of them did not send us a final image.

NOTE: We need your final picture for the 20% voucher code. So if you haven’t sent it yet, please do so as soon as possible. It would be a shame if you had painted diligently for half a year and then couldn’t reward yourself.

And here are the July posts first, followed by the final pictures. Have fun viewing!



Many thanks to all participants. It’s always great to see what the community can accomplish in 6 months.
Now all that’s missing is the time to put everything out on the field and enjoy it.
We’d love to read and see more from you! Please keep us up to date on the well-known platforms (Facebook groups, Instagram or our Discord server).

The vouchers will be sent to you promptly.

Your stronghold terrain team

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