Wir haben allerhand Neuheiten und Nachschub bekommen Spartan Armoured Hoplites (Victrix) Neue Order Militant von Gripping Beast Palisaden, Zäune, Bundles von Sarissa Stencils / Schablonen von Sarissa (sehr coole Sache zum veredeln von MDF Gebäuden!!!) Briten für M&T (French Indian Wars) Außerdem gab es Nachschub and Renedra Kunststoff Gelände
Finally, everyone gets a little more freedom to finish their warband according to their wishes. Therefore, the final task for SAGA is a point of your choice and for Muskets & Tomahawks, as usual, a unit of your choice including a possible officer. I’ll bring you the may results in a few days. Have fun!!!
SPIELMATTEN – PWORK WARGAMES Wir haben soeben Nachschub an Spielmatten bekommen. Darunter auch 2 neue Designs und kleinere Transporttaschen für 90cm Matten. LINK
The Plastic Gunfighters are ready for PRE-ORDERS: “Your time is over and you’re gonna die bloody, and all you can do is choose where.” DEAD MAN’S HAND is the 28mm skirmish game by Great Escape Games. Bands of tough and wily Cowboys, stoic Lawmen, ruthless Outlaws and crazy Desperados fight for fame and respect in […]
Hello all, Yes, yes, I know the April results are very late. You have just ordered too much from us, so we can hardly keep up. All joking aside, thank you very much for your support. We have again received an outstanding number of pictures of finished miniatures. A few less than in […]
REPUBLICAN ROMAN SAGA DICE: Since so many of you have asked, we have now decided that you can pre-order the Roman dice. According to Gripping Beast, 40 packs will be on their way from Poland to us tomorrow. Fire away!!!
We have just received a decent supply from Gripping Beast. Almost all SAGA dice are available again (Republican Roman still to come…). But you better be quick. Unfortunately, there are not an endless number of them. The current delivery times are a real horror.
Heute überschlagen sich ja die Meldungen. Soeben sind 1000 herrenlose SAGA Regelbücher bei uns aufgeschlagen. Sie können mit Umweg über unseren Shop gerne zum Spielen abgeholt werden