The price increases of recent years have also left their mark on us. Rising raw material prices are constantly gnawing away at our margins. We have NEVER!!! adjusted the prices of our own miniature ranges. And we will NOT do this now either, but from now on we will no longer include magnetized metal bases. […]
The books and dice have arrived. Shipping will start on 12 January (official start of sales). However, we are already preparing the dispatch of your pre-orders. You may therefore receive a dispatch confirmation in advance. So please don’t be surprised if nothing happens with the tracking.
We wish you and your loved ones a happy, reflective and blessed festive season. Here’s to a coming year filled with exciting hobby projects, captivating games and lots of painted miniatures! After an exciting year with lots of projects and a lot of work, we are taking a break until 5 January 2025. All orders […]
In this video we show you the quality of our 3D printed miniatures. We have recently switched to a new extremely good resin, which not only reproduces details very sharply but is also extremely durable.
From now on we have a big discount campaign for you. There is a 20% discount on many products from Gripping Beast and Footsore Miniatures and a 15% discount on all FireForge products (not plastic). We are partially reorganising our range, which means that we will no longer have many of the discounted products in […]
You can now pre-order the ENGLISH SAGA expansion book Age of Chivalry and both new dice sets from us. LINK We expect the products to arrive in late December. Don’t wait too long. We have secured a contingent, but there won’t be enough of them to last forever.
Once again, the annual SAGA Grand Melee is behind us. It has now taken place for the eighth time. We decided to choose a new venue and so we played in our home village of Mehrhoog in the meeting centre. I’m sure that we’ll definitely organise something in the Oerlinghausen open-air museum again. A total […]
Ab Freitag den 01. November könnt ihr die Schlachtpläne vorbestellen. Wir erwarten die Lieferung ca. am 20. November. Seid schnell. Weg ist weg!!! Die 12 Schlachtpläne enthalten alle Änderungen mit dem Stand des SAGA Ära der Kreuzzüge FAQ 2024 Es handelt sich um einen einmalige Auflage, die nicht nachgedruckt wird!!! Diese Schlachtpläne richten sich […]
Hier findest du unterschiedliche Downloads für SAGA wie das aktuelle FAQ oder Szenarios, Spielhilfen, Würfelsymbole usw. Die Dateien unterliegen der Lizenz und dem Copyright von Stronghold Terrain und Studio Tomahawk. Sie dürfen ausschließlich zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen und ausgedruckt werden. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. SAGA Regelbuch SAGA REGELBUCH FAQ 2024 Enthalten sind Klarstellungen und Korrekturen für […]
HERE you can find the tournament guide for this year’s German SAGA Grand Melee, which contains all the necessary information about the tournament. You are welcome to use it or extracts from it for your own tournaments. There are still 2 places available. Click here to register for T3: You find the tickets […]