Der gute Wraith von Wraith Crypt hat das Buch einmal vollständig vorgestellt. Über ein Abo seines richtig guten Kanals freut er sich immer!
Wir haben soeben das Buch der Schlachten nachdrucken lassen. Viele von euch fragen immer wieder, ob es das Kartenset für den Szenario Generator (Kampf der Helden) noch einmal geben wird. Wir hatten es bei der Erstauflage als Goody mit drucken lassen. Und es gibt gute Nachrichten. Das Kartenset ist zurück. Zum einen als Gratisbonus, wenn […]
And so, another Heerschau is over. We have received over 530!!! contributions from you over the entire 6-month period. contributions from you, which corresponds to about 3000!!! painted miniatures, Unbelievable! About 60 of you have completed the Heerschau and should already have received the 20% discount code for our shop. If we have forgotten anyone […]
Here we have a “new” SAGA scenario for you. It is also part of the 2022 Grand Melee scenario pool. In my opinion, it is a tactically very demanding scenario, as you have to defend your own house and attack the enemy’s at the same time. Finding the right balancing and timing is crucial for […]
Das Römische Reich prägte fünf Jahrhunderte lang die Weltgeschichte, unterwarf Millionen Menschen und herrschte über weite Teile der bekannten Welt. Zu Beginn des fünften Jahrhunderts überquerten Barbaren aus Germanien im Winter den gefrorenen Rhein und ließen sich innerhalb der Reichsgrenzen nieder – der Beginn schwerer Zeiten für Rom. Dieser Überfall und der darauf folgende Landverlust […]
After three years of bitter abstinence, this year’s Grand Melee is fast approaching. Here you can find the tournament guide, which contains all the essential information: German-SAGA-Grand-Melee-2022-Tournament Package Have fun!
Here comes a little reminder and hope at the end of the tunnel. Immortal glory and the 20% discount voucher are already waiting for you. We are extending the deadline up to and including next Sunday. So you should still have enough time to finish your projects successfully. And remember, I also need a group […]
The best way to celebrate is together. And so, on the occasion of my birthday today, there is a 10% discount on everything that is not already on offer. Just use this voucher code: Mircos-Geburtstag!!! Best wishes and Skol! Mirco
We have some new sets in stock. Next will be the Black Guard.
After all tickets were sold out after just one day, we tried to make everything possible for you. We have the possibility to put up a yurt (tent) right next to the Viking longhouse. This way we can increase the number of participants to 40.So that everyone has the same chance of getting a ticket, […]